
Laying Up Treasure Before The Lord's Return

 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?

 The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'

Matthew 25: 39

Through The Christian Pen Pals Ministry,

we form relationships with imprisoned Believers.

Here is a poem written by, Michael Lightfoot

incarcerated in The Florida Department of Corrections:


Life Can disappear in Less than a flash of light

When my Right went Left and my wrong Became Right

My Eyes were wide open But Blinded By the Night

My vision was so Limited, that virtue was out of sight

Praying to God to Save me from Evil which Had an Attraction on my soul

In a spiritual tug-of-war, if I survive will I still Be whole?

Why couldn’t I Remember the Lessons mommy gave me as a child

But I chose another Route that did make the Devil smile

My children Became Lost property as the Law Attempted to Harness me

Yet even in my Bondage I’m professing to Be free

Oh God, where did you go? I thought you’d Never leave my side

But I’m the one who departed as I Hitched Another Ride

Heaven was too far away, so Hell in now my Home

Blessings turn to Curses as I walk where Demons Roam

I’m Looking for a Savior – is He a myth? Can He be found?

Heading Towards the cross-road my hopes are lost Beneath the ground

Dear Lord I need you to help me, Cause I Can’t Help myself

I did not come to you willingly, it’s because I have nothing else.

My life-span is getting shorter as the grays pop up so quick

Why is wisdom and monotony Bringing me grief and making me sick?

I realize I’m not immortal – at Least Not in the flesh

I started out wanting good now I want Better to get to Best

Right now I don’t care about This Heaven for it I cannot see

I’m searching for a Companion who will walk out of Hell with me

My curiosity makes we wonder – what will Happen when Life is spent

Hoping I paid my Earthly mortgage And Have enough for my Heavenly Rent

I may Never make it back, but truth is Better than I Ever Dreamed

I pray my final paycheck will say

“Paid in Full – Your Soul’s Redeemed”

harpazo ministries

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